The Requiem for Roleplaying ::
Monks are martial artists of the highest calibre. Most come from remote lands
and have strange customs and perhaps accents. They are typically not in any way
concerned with money or gear, as they know that even while bare naked, they can
put up a good fight to any warrior or blademaster.
Monks typically live very simple lives, travelling around, giving wisdom and
help where needed, and not asking for anything but maybe a meal and a place to
sleep in return.
Monks typically fight bare handed, but are well versed in a variety of 'exotic'
weapons. They prefer wearing simple garments, and tend to shun things that bring
them too much attention (like a 75 lb golden breastplate).
Think of some vows that your character could have. Vow of silence. Vow of
poverty. Vow of chastity. Roleplay it out.
and emote to your opponent while you are kicking the crap out of them. Try to
show them the error of relying on a sword and shield.
If anyone challenges you to a duel, try to dissuade them, but if they persist
then feel free to open up a 50 gallon drum of whoop (censored).