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The Distant Lands MUD Client

Download it now! (current version is 1.20)

   Click the link below and save the file to your desktop and then double click it to launch (no install required).

Windows 10/8/7/Vista/XP
Linux (in development)
MacOS (in development)
[old Windows 95/98/ME/NT client can be found here]

   This client was made specifically for Distant Lands and sports some really awesome features. So far it has been tested and works great on Windows 10/8/7, Vista and XP. Hopefully a version for Linux and MacOS is not far behind. There are some great features that are specific to this client only that you will not get with any other MUD client, free or commercial.


   When you launch the program, and the program can find the Distant Lands network, you are greeted with a login screen like this:

Just enter your account login and password as if you would connecting with any other MUD or telnet client. If you do not have an account, simply click the button to create a new account and you will be taken through the account creation process.


   When you have logged into the game, you will see a screen like this:

(click to see full size)

This is where some of the really great things come to life with the DL2 CLient. On the bottom you will see what is called the notebook. This is where you will see the condition, position and name of whoever you are fighting (if anyone), your current health, mana, power and other vital statistics displayed graphically. This updates by itself so there's no need to keep hitting enter to get an update on how much mana you've regenerated. There are multiple tabs that will be used for different things, but currently there's only one for stats and one for grouping, as seen below:

(click to see full size)

You can see, in real time, the stats of each of your fellow group members. You will see the same statistics as you would in the game with the exception that all of the stats will update in real time.


   You can move the notebook around and anchor it to the sides or top of the window. You can even undock it and just have the notebook float around, like below:

(click to see full size)

There's also context (or right-click) menus for lots of things. You can remove certain things from the notebook if you want. For example, if you play a mage, all you're really worried about is health, power and movement. You have no need for song or mana points to be displayed, so you can right-click the notebook and simply remove them. You can also right-click the input bar and tell it to not clear input when you press enter. This allows you to basically enter a command (such as 'north') and just press enter a dozen times to go a dozen spaces north. That way you don't have to keep typing the command out every single time you want to do something repetitive.


   Text editing has become a LOT easier! No longer will you have to use the line-by-line text editor in the game (although it does have a lot of cool features). Now you can just edit it in a new window, like so:

(click to see full size)

There's also context (or right-click) menus for lots of things. You can remove certain things from the notebook if you want. For example, if you play a mage, all you're really worried about is health, power and movement. You have no need for song or mana points to be displayed, so you can right-click the notebook and simply remove them. You can also right-click the input bar and tell it to not clear input when you press enter. This allows you to basically enter a command (such as 'north') and just press enter a dozen times to go a dozen spaces north. That way you don't have to keep typing the command out every single time you want to do something repetitive.

   Currently there's no way to have aliases within the program itself; you have to use the alias command within the game to do that. There's no support (and probably never will be) for triggers.


   Unfortunately there is no version of the client for anything other than Windows. A Linux version is currently in the works and hopefully a MacOS version coming soon as well!


   If you're still having issues running the client, feel free to send an email to or and we will try to do our best to help.

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