Houses are available for sale throughout the realms, with only a few
* A house can only be built in a place where a house would normally be
able to be built. (No sewers or under water houses, etc.)
* Houses will cost the same no matter where they are located.
* Named entrances can only be named something normal (eg - door, gate)
or they can be named something that is mentioned in the room description
the house is connected to (eg - tree).
* If you wish to purchase a house you will need 50% of the total cost
as a down payment.
* If you are unable to make a monthly (real time) payment you will
receive a notice the payment is due. One week after the notice you will
lose your house to foreclosure.
* Extra rooms/flags/items can be added to a house any time after the
original purchase.
* More rules may be added at a later time as needed.
* All prices are listed in gold piece cost.
1 Room House w/door (rentable) 650k
1 Extra Room w/optional door (not rentable) 325k
1 Extra Room w/o door (rentable) 550k
* If you pay for a rentable extra room then you can leave things in the
room and they will be there on your return.
Room Flags
2x Regen (HP, Move, Power, Mana, Song) Each 125k
Aligned Room (1 Alignment per room only) 175k
No teleport 350k
Door flags
Auto-close 75k
Auto-lock 100k
Named exit 125k
Hidden exit 225k
Locks Durability Door/Cabinet (Upgradeable)
Almost none 75k
Very Low 110k
Low 165k
Medium 230k
High 350k
Very High 475k
Near Impenetrable 600k
Cabinet/Chest (no lock/immoveable)
50 lb max weight 30k
100 lb max weight 65k
150 lb max weight 100k
200 lb max weight 150k
250 lb max weight 225k
* Cabinets can be named by you unless you dont care and then it can be
Miscellaneous Items
Clan Symbol/Crest 25k
Clan Symbols as Keys 35k
Extra Keys 10k
Bulletin Board 400k
Fountain 275k
Item Restrings 50k
ANY and ALL item restrings will be handled by me and will be done at my
unacceptable I will not restring it. So if you wish a restring try to think
of a name that is in line with the medieval period. Restrings will also
need to be in the same general line of a cloak of
burgundy can be changed to a wrap or cape. or different color in the
name... but cannot be renamed a spiderman cape or similar. There will not
be color added to restrings currently.
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