The novice channel is a global command used to talk to all players in
the game who either do not have characters above level 20 or have been
flagged as novice helpers. Novice is for discussing game mechanics and
general game information for new players. Do NOT use foul language over
the novice channel. Do NOT talk about things that are offensive to others
over the novice channel. Do not make fun of or put down ANYONE (because
other players may be offended). Please only speak in English, other
languages are not permitted. The penalty for abuse of the novice command
is loss of novice for a length of time determined by the staff.
Examples of proper use:
> novice Where is the warriors guild?
Nezmar (Novice): Where is the warriors guild?
> novice How do I see what my strength is?
Nezmar (Novice): How do I see what my strength is?
See Also: Toggle, Ignore
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